How do we feel about New Year’s resolutions (according to sentiment analysis)? written January 10, 2017 in python, programming tips, public data, twitter api, pandas
A crash course in reproducible research in Python written October 04, 2016 in python, pandas, virtualenvs, programming tips
What are the most popular Christmas movies according to MovieLens 10M? written December 23, 2015 in python, sql, web scraping, pandas, matplotlib
Analysing reddit data - part 4: data analysis written December 09, 2015 in python, programming tips, pandas, scipy, matplotlib, hypothesis testing
Analysing reddit data - part 3: cleaning and describing the data written December 02, 2015 in python, programming tips, public data, reddit api, pandas
Analysing reddit data - part 2: extracting the data written November 25, 2015 in python, programming tips, public data, reddit api, pandas