Analysing reddit data - part 3: cleaning and describing the data
Over the past two weeks (here and here) we have been discussing how to use JSON-encoded data from reddit. So far we have set up our environment and extracted the top 1,000 posts of all time from the subreddit /r/relationships into a pandas Dataframe
. This week, we will work on cleaning the data, extracting further data from our existing variables and describing these variables. We’ll end this series next week by doing some basic inferential analyses.
Picking up where we left off
Last week, we ended up with a pandas Dataframe
called rel_df
with five variables: Date
, Title
, Flair
, Comments
and Score
. If you don’t have this Dataframe prepared, you’ll need to go back to the previous posts and set this up to continue with the tutorial. Here is the first 5 results from this Dataframe.
Date | Title | Flair | Comments | Score | |
0 | 1440187622 | [UPDATE]My [26 F] with my husband [29 M] 1 yea… | Updates | 908 | 7843 |
1 | 1438962646 | Update: I [30 F] am sitting in the back of my … | ◉ Locked Post ◉ | 631 | 6038 |
2 | 1435026034 | UPDATE: My fiancee (24F) has no bridesmaids an… | Updates | 623 | 5548 |
3 | 1438393090 | My [42M] daughter [17F] has been bullying a gi… | ◉ Locked Post ◉ | 970 | 5301 |
4 | 1440543117 | [Update] My [26F] fiance’s [28M] ex-wife [28F]… | Updates | 767 | 5195 |
Cleaning the data
As I pointed out in the last blog post, there are two immediately obvious issues with these data. The first is that the date is in Unix or Epoch time, which represents the number of seconds that have passed since 1 January 1970. In order to convert this into a datetime format, we run the following:
rel_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime((rel_df['Date'].values*1e9).astype(int))
Date | Title | Flair | Comments | Score | |
0 | 2015-08-21 20:07:02 | [UPDATE]My [26 F] with my husband [29 M] 1 yea… | Updates | 908 | 7843 |
1 | 2015-08-07 15:50:46 | Update: I [30 F] am sitting in the back of my … | ◉ Locked Post ◉ | 631 | 6038 |
2 | 2015-06-23 02:20:34 | UPDATE: My fiancee (24F) has no bridesmaids an… | Updates | 623 | 5548 |
3 | 2015-08-01 01:38:10 | My [42M] daughter [17F] has been bullying a gi… | ◉ Locked Post ◉ | 970 | 5301 |
4 | 2015-08-25 22:51:57 | [Update] My [26F] fiance’s [28M] ex-wife [28F]… | Updates | 767 | 5195 |
The other issue is that when posts become locked by the subreddit moderators, the original flair is replaced with “Locked Post”. This is not really the most useful label as it doesn’t give us any information about the topic. Let’s replace all of the “Locked Post” flairs with missing values (NaN) and have a look at how many there are.
import re
replace_value = rel_df['Flair'][1]
rel_df['Flair'] = rel_df['Flair'].replace(replace_value, np.nan)
You can see a substantial number (16%) of flairs were replaced with “Locked Post”, which means we have a large amount of missing data in this variable. However, we can recover some information by exploiting the fact that update posts usually have the word “Update” in the title. We can use a regex to check for whether “Update” is in the title, and if so, replace the flair with “Updates”.
cond1 = rel_df['Title'].str.contains(
'^\[?[a-z!?A-Z ]*UPDATE\]?:?', flags = re.IGNORECASE)
cond2 = rel_df['Flair'].isnull()
rel_df.loc[(cond1 & cond2), 'Flair'] = rel_df.loc[(cond1 & cond2), 'Flair'].replace(np.nan, 'Updates')
Date | Title | Flair | Comments | Score | |
0 | 2015-08-21 20:07:02 | [UPDATE]My [26 F] with my husband [29 M] 1 yea… | Updates | 908 | 7843 |
1 | 2015-08-07 15:50:46 | Update: I [30 F] am sitting in the back of my … | Updates | 631 | 6038 |
2 | 2015-06-23 02:20:34 | UPDATE: My fiancee (24F) has no bridesmaids an… | Updates | 623 | 5548 |
3 | 2015-08-01 01:38:10 | My [42M] daughter [17F] has been bullying a gi… | NaN | 970 | 5301 |
4 | 2015-08-25 22:51:57 | [Update] My [26F] fiance’s [28M] ex-wife [28F]… | Updates | 767 | 5195 |
You can see that we still have 10% of missing data in this variable, which is quite high. However, we have replaced some of the missing data in a robust manner. This should be bookmarked as a possible source of bias in our data when we try and interpret our analyses.
Extracting extra variables
You might have gotten the idea from how I replaced the missing flairs that we could extract further information from the Title
variable, and indeed we can. Another convention that we can exploit is that posters to /r/relationships are asked to include their age and sex in the title. For example, you can see in the first post that the poster has included their age and sex as “[26F]”, indicating they are a 26 year old woman. You can probably also see a pattern in how the posters information is nested in the title as well. Looking through the data, I picked out four words that precede the posters’ information: “My”, “I”, “I’m” and “Me”. We can use a (pretty complicated) regex to extract this portion of the title:
poster_age_sex = rel_df['Title'].str.extract(
flags = re.IGNORECASE)[0]
0 My [26 F]
1 I [30 F]
2 I (25m)
3 My [42M]
4 My [26F]
Name: 0, dtype: object
Let’s now clean this up by getting rid of the starting word, then pulling the age and sex out into separate variables and adding them to the DataFrame.
poster_age_sex = poster_age_sex.str.replace("((i\'m|i|my|me))\s?", "", flags = re.IGNORECASE)
poster_age = poster_age_sex.str.extract('([0-9]{1,2})')
poster_sex = poster_age_sex.str.extract('([m,f])', flags = re.IGNORECASE)
rel_df['PosterAge'] = pd.to_numeric(poster_age)
rel_df['PosterSex'] = poster_sex.str.upper()
Date | Title | Flair | Comments | Score | PosterAge | PosterSex | |
0 | 2015-08-21 20:07:02 | [UPDATE]My [26 F] with my husband [29 M] 1 yea… | Updates | 908 | 7843 | 26 | F |
1 | 2015-08-07 15:50:46 | Update: I [30 F] am sitting in the back of my … | Updates | 631 | 6038 | 30 | F |
2 | 2015-06-23 02:20:34 | UPDATE: My fiancee (24F) has no bridesmaids an… | Updates | 623 | 5548 | 25 | M |
3 | 2015-08-01 01:38:10 | My [42M] daughter [17F] has been bullying a gi… | NaN | 970 | 5301 | 42 | M |
4 | 2015-08-25 22:51:57 | [Update] My [26F] fiance’s [28M] ex-wife [28F]… | Updates | 767 | 5195 | 26 | F |
Let’s now check for missing values in our new PosterAge and PosterSex variables:
Again, these variables have fairly high amounts of missing data (9% for age 10% for sex). This is another possible source of bias to keep in mind. I’ll discuss how these possible biases might affect how we interpret our analyses at the end of next week’s post.
Finally, we can use the date variable to obtain the day of the week that the post was created:
rel_df['DayOfWeek'] = rel_df['Date'].dt.dayofweek
days = {0: 'Mon', 1: 'Tues', 2: 'Weds', 3: 'Thurs', 4: 'Fri',
5: 'Sat', 6: 'Sun'}
rel_df['DayOfWeek'] = rel_df['DayOfWeek'].apply(lambda x: days[x])
Date | Title | Flair | Comments | Score | PosterAge | PosterSex | DayOfWeek | |
0 | 2015-08-21 20:07:02 | [UPDATE]My [26 F] with my husband [29 M] 1 yea… | Updates | 908 | 7843 | 26 | F | Fri |
1 | 2015-08-07 15:50:46 | Update: I [30 F] am sitting in the back of my … | Updates | 631 | 6038 | 30 | F | Fri |
2 | 2015-06-23 02:20:34 | UPDATE: My fiancee (24F) has no bridesmaids an… | Updates | 623 | 5548 | 25 | M | Tues |
3 | 2015-08-01 01:38:10 | My [42M] daughter [17F] has been bullying a gi… | NaN | 970 | 5301 | 42 | M | Sat |
4 | 2015-08-25 22:51:57 | [Update] My [26F] fiance’s [28M] ex-wife [28F]… | Updates | 767 | 5195 | 26 | F | Tues |
Checking for missing data, we find that this time no values are missing (due to the fact that every date is present).
Now that we have finished cleaning, we are now ready to get acquainted with our data using some descriptives. For the sake of brevity I will skip screening for normality and assume all of the continuous variables are non-normal, but obviously in a real analysis it would be necessary to explore this further. As such, I will use the median and interquartile range (IQR) for continuous variables, and frequencies and percentages for categorical variables.
Poster age
Let’s start with PosterAge
. We can see we have 909 data points for this variable, and that posters are a median of 26 years old (IQR: 23, 29).
count 909.000000
mean 26.698570
std 6.323285
min 13.000000
25% 23.000000
50% 26.000000
75% 29.000000
max 57.000000
Name: PosterAge, dtype: float64
Poster sex
Looking at PosterSex
, we can see that we have 897 data points for this variable. 542 of the posters are female (60% of non-missing values), and 355 are male (40%).
F 542
M 355
Name: PosterSex, dtype: int64
100 * rel_df['PosterSex'].value_counts() / rel_df['PosterSex'].notnull().sum()
F 60.423634
M 39.576366
Name: PosterSex, dtype: float64
In Flairs
, we have 904 complete data points. The most common flair is “Updates” (516 posts, or 57%), and the least common is “Dating” (3, > 1%). The bottom three categories are concerningly small and are therefore unlikely to be suitable for further analysis, especially when we get to doing subgroup analyses next week (see this previous blog post for a discussion on the importance of sufficiently large samples).
Updates 516
Relationships 161
Non-Romantic 158
Infidelity 38
Breakups 15
Personal issues 13
Dating 3
Name: Flair, dtype: int64
100 * rel_df['Flair'].value_counts() / rel_df['Flair'].notnull().sum()
Updates 57.079646
Relationships 17.809735
Non-Romantic 17.477876
Infidelity 4.203540
Breakups 1.659292
Personal issues 1.438053
Dating 0.331858
Name: Flair, dtype: float64
Examining the Score
variable we can see that it has all 1,000 data points, and the median score per post is 1,225 (IQR: 961, 1,761).
count 1000.00000
mean 1511.58000
std 822.78436
min 792.00000
25% 963.00000
50% 1224.50000
75% 1762.00000
max 7843.00000
Name: Score, dtype: float64
Similarly, the Comments
variable has all 1,000 data points. The median number of comments per post is 269 (IQR: 161, 421).
count 1000.000000
mean 318.964000
std 219.461632
min 15.000000
25% 161.000000
50% 269.000000
75% 421.250000
max 1693.000000
Name: Comments, dtype: float64
Day of week
Finally, let’s have a look at DayOfWeek
. We already know it has all 1,000 data points, so we don’t have to check that again. We can see that the highest number of posts were created during the week, with around 15% of posts on each of the weekdays. In contrast, Sunday was the quietest day for popular posts.
Tues 156
Weds 155
Mon 155
Thurs 154
Fri 148
Sun 121
Sat 111
Name: DayOfWeek, dtype: int64
100 * rel_df['DayOfWeek'].value_counts() / rel_df['DayOfWeek'].notnull().sum()
Tues 15.6
Weds 15.5
Mon 15.5
Thurs 15.4
Fri 14.8
Sun 12.1
Sat 11.1
Name: DayOfWeek, dtype: float64
We now have a cleaned dataset and have inspected each of the variables (although be aware I took some shortcuts with my screening and didn’t inspect things like normality). We are now ready to run some analyses next week.
For those who have followed this tutorial so far, or have been reading my blog more generally, a huge thank you! Today marks just past 3 months of blogging for me, and it has been wonderful to have an excuse to constantly learn new data science skills and to share them with others. I hope my posts have helped you to learn something just as I have learned, and continue to learn from all of the wonderful data science and programming bloggers out there in turn.